in GUI Development by

I try to compare 2 strings and get real strange results:

trace "onObsEqEingabeSperrcode DeviceLT.EingabeSperrcode=",DeviceLT.EingabeSperrcode,"   GuiPin=",GuiPin,"   Vergleich ==", GuiPin == "1111","   Vergleich !=", GuiPin != "1111";

And this is the output on the device, which is quite the opposite from what I expect:

trace: "onObsEqEingabeSperrcode DeviceLT.EingabeSperrcode=", 1, "   GuiPin=", "1234", "   Vergleich ==", true, "   Vergleich !=", false

I removed the genarated sources, called make clean, but no difference,

1 Answer

0 votes


the behaviour is suspicious. Do you observe it during the prototyping or/and at the runtime in the target system?

The member GuiPin, is it a variable or a property?

If it is a property, do you have overriden its onget method?

If yes, are you sure that the implementation of the onget method does not influence (modify) the value of the property itself and it returns always the same value? 

If it is not the case, can you provide us your project for verification purpose?

Thank you!

Best regards

Paul Banach

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