in System Integration by

After transfer code from Embedded wizard to STM32F7, I have been trying to include Timer in STM32 but from Run Enviroment section in STM32 what ever i select especially HAL classic enviroment then system takes errors.

What is procedure for following to add HAL peripherals or should we use only LL.

Thank you for advice.

1 Answer

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Hello alimkose,

there is no reason to avoid the usage of HAL functions in general. In our build environment we are also using the HAL implementation to initialize the peripherals.

For using the HAL you should check whether you are configured the ‘stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h’ correctly and included the relevant HAL driver files.

Kind regards

I see,

I have been trying to configure stm32f7 side all are ok except timers dont working.

Where should i declare timer configuration, all timers parameters are ok, i can run my project without embedded wizard but when i try to connect with embedded wizard something wrong and i cannot find what kind of problem. Stm32cube_FW_F7 source library is new and .conf side ok.

Could u give me advice, smth blocking timers
Hi alimkose,

maybe some initialisation for the timer is missing in stm32f7xx_it.c or MSP Initialization code (located in stm32f7xx_hal_msp.c of the STM32Cube examples.

Kind regards,
Thx. Problem was hal_msp.c missing.
I really liked Embedded wizard but Embedded wizard and HAL should be align with CubeMx otherwise givin trouble,I am trying to discover embedded wizard but when i include enviroment things in STM32 then library giving trouble to me now i have trying to find why 12B ADC sailing 30/50 cannot read adc value

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