in Embedded Wizard Studio by

Hello ,

I would like to upgrade/migrate my current project  to upper  version, which is  from 8.30 to 9.00 . But when i open my old project with 9.00 version screen freezing and not openining.

By the way, now  i am using free version of   9.00.

E.W.S giving a warning like that: "You are working with Embedded Wizard Studio Free . It permits to save only small projects with a limited complexity . Your project is too complex (it contains too many components...)""

Is there any thing that should i do ?


1 Answer

0 votes

this sounds strange...

Is there any other error message within the Log Window? Event though it is the free version, you should be able to open the project.

What do you mean with "freezing" - is the Composer just empty or is the entire Embedded Wizard Studio blocked?

If there is no message - is it possible to send your project to support@embedded-wizard.de then we can investigate that.

Best regards,

There is no log on log windows and the embedded wizard studio entirely freezes. Mouse is shaped like loading. Everything works except the embedded wizard studio.
It's not possible for me to send you the project but the project works perfectly on my other computer which has the 8.30 pro version.
Thanks in advance
O.k. so it will be more difficult to find the reason - but anyhow, let me ask some more questions:

Does your Embedded Wizard Studio installation work with the provided examples?

Are you using your own Intrinsics modules - e.g. to load images via ExternBitmap interface?

Have you installed also the same Platform Packages as in case of 8.30?

Does the system react after some minutes?

Thank you!

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