my WebGL export from my project has a error i can not resolv:
WEBGL11130: INVALID_OPERATION: texSubImage2D: Daten müssen in einem typisierten Array übergeben werden
Datei: emwi_0_98.js, Zeile: 5088, Spalte: 5
The code witch makes problems:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The function GetGlyph() determines the glyph of the given font and ensures
// that the glyph is available in the glyph cache surface. If successful, the
// function returns an object containing the glyph metrics and the position
// within the glyph cache surface where the glyph is available. If the glyph
// is not available in the cache, the function reserves space in the cache and
// loads there the glyph pixel data. In the case, the entire cache is occupied
// and all glyphs are in use, the function fail and returns null. In such case
// the preceding text operation need to be terminated before new glyphs can be
// loaded.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
emwi._GetGlyph = function( aFont, aCharCode )
// No valid font specified
if ( !aFont )
if ( this._Debug )
console.log( "EmWi error: Invalid font resource." );
return null;
var glyph = aFont.Cache[ aCharCode ];
// If the desired glyph remains in the font's private cache - use it! Move
// the glyph to the beginning of the glyph list.
if ( glyph )
UncacheGlyph( this, glyph );
CacheGlyph( this, glyph );
return glyph;
// The glyph is not available in the cache. Search the glyph information in
// the font data.
if (!( glyph = this._GetGlyphMetrics( aFont, aCharCode )))
return null;
// Get the glyph metrics and with these metrics calculate the size of the
// area to alloc within the glyph cache surface.
var cellSize = this._GlyphSurfaceCellSize;
var rows = (( glyph.Height + cellSize - 1 ) / cellSize ) | 0;
var cols = (( glyph.Width + cellSize - 1 ) / cellSize ) | 0;
var pos = null;
var tail = this._GlyphCacheTail;
var discarded = null;
// Find an empty unused area within the glyph surface. This can cause the
// older glyphs to be discarded in order ti make space for the new glyph.
// Search for an area with the desired number or cell rows and columns
if (!( pos = discarded = FindFreeGlyphCacheArea( this, cols, rows )))
// No free area found. Search for the oldest unused glyph within the
// cache
while ( tail && tail.Usage )
tail = tail.Newer;
// Discard the found unused glyph and free its area
if ( tail )
// Calculate the origin and the size of the area occupied by the glyph
var glyph = tail;
var row = ( glyph.CacheY / cellSize ) | 0;
var col = ( glyph.CacheX / cellSize ) | 0;
var rows = (( glyph.Height + cellSize - 1 ) / cellSize ) | 0;
var cols = (( glyph.Width + cellSize - 1 ) / cellSize ) | 0;
// Track the operations
if ( this._Debug )
console.log( "EmWi info: DiscardGlyph( " + glyph.CharCode + ", " +
glyph.Width + ", " + glyph.Height + " )" );
// The glyph being discarded and the next possible candidate to be
// discarded
discarded = glyph;
tail = tail.Newer;
// Remove the glyph from the cache and release the area within the surface
UncacheGlyph( this, glyph );
ReleaseGlyphCacheArea( this, col, row, cols, rows );
while ( !pos && discarded );
// No free area in the cache found. All existing glyphs are in use
if ( !pos )
return null;
// The current glyph will be stored in the font's private cache now
aFont.LastGotGlyph = null;
var invSize = 1 / this._GlyphSurfaceSize;
// Prepare the glyph descriptor. It contains the glyph metrics and the
// position where the glyph pixel are stored in the surface.
glyph.Cache = aFont.Cache;
glyph.CacheX = pos[0] * cellSize;
glyph.CacheY = pos[1] * cellSize;
glyph.CacheS1 = glyph.CacheX * invSize;
glyph.CacheT1 = glyph.CacheY * invSize;
glyph.CacheS2 = ( glyph.CacheX + glyph.Width ) * invSize;
glyph.CacheT2 = ( glyph.CacheY + glyph.Height ) * invSize;
glyph.Usage = 0;
// Prepare a temp. buffer to receive the decomporessed glyph pixel
var size = glyph.Width * glyph.Height;
var pixel = new Uint8Array( size );
var gl = this._Context;
// Decompress the pixel data into the previously created buffer
aFont.DecompressProc( aFont.Pixel, pixel, glyph.Pixel, glyph.NoOfBits );
XOrRows( pixel, size, glyph.Width );
// Transfer the pixel information into the glyph cache surface
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, this._GlyphCacheTexture );
gl.texSubImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, glyph.CacheX, glyph.CacheY, glyph.Width,
glyph.Height, gl.ALPHA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixel );
I am using EmWi 8.20.