in Embedded Wizard Studio by

I think it would be very convenient to have a search box on top of the template tab to filter out the desired elements (widgets, views, components,...).

Is it a functionality you plan to implement in the future ?


1 Answer

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thank you very much for the request. We have added it to the to-do list. Anyway, the Gallery window implements already functionality to simply open folders and select templates by simply pressing keys with letters the name of the desired folder or template starts with. This is like a shortcut. Please see following documentation.

Navigate between folder. (see the TIP box)

Select and use a template (see the TIP box)

With a little practice you can work with it quickly. For example, if you want to select the Template Text from the folder Views, press the key V followed by Space and T. By using the additional shortcut Alt+1 you can switch to the Gallery window without clicking in its area with the mouse.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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