in GUI Development by
How many ways to improve performance of a application using EW

1 Answer

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There are many ways to improve the performance of a GUI application.

Can you descibe the problem more detailed?

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My GUI app has many images which be loaded at the same time.

My question is

1. Can i use other way to load images instead of

2. Can I separate my app into 2 or more part which running in parallel at the same time

3. etc

If you have a large number of images and you want to avod that these images are loaded into SDRAM you can try to use DirectAccess instead of Compressed in the attribute FormatOfBitmapResources.

The GUI application cannot be separated into parallel threads, because the GUI application has to be executed always within one thread. (Btw: On a single core it would not be faster....).

Maybe you can reduce the amount of data / bitmaps that have to be loaded at once. What kind of bitmaps (number of images, size) are you loading? How long does it take?

What target are you using?

We're using STM32H743 target platform.

Sometimes we need loading a hundred images (~3MB). It take about 1~1.5s.
Can you explain the use case? Are these images loaded at once and used in different screens or do you make some kind of full screen animation based on bitmaps?
At the same time, we have:

           - Change bitmap to adapt with variable change (100ms loaded a bitmat at once)

           - Animation using opacity in other area in the screen

           - Draw effect using views FilledPath

           - Load wrapimage
Please note that warp image (e.g. persective transformation, rotation, scaling) is done by CPU on all STM32 targets. This is very slow compared to any hardware accelerated copy operation done by DMA2D on STM32 targets.

If possible, avoid the usage of WarpImage in order to improve the performance.

Additinaly hints can be provided, if you can share more details / some images of the resulting GUI.

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