in Embedded Wizard Studio by

Hi Team,

is there a way in which i can get the size of the Font resource.c  file in embedded wizard project which contain all the glyphs and size of each glyph?

this is required to analyse the memory consumed only by the Font resource file  when we include all the glyphs for chinese language.

is there any way in which we can optimise the memory used by embedded wizard ?


Chaitra S G

1 Answer

0 votes

Hello Chaitra,

to determine the binary size of a single font, you can place the font into a separate unit and analyze the map file generated by your compiler/linker.

In order to reduce the size of a font, you can define a list of character codes that are used within your GUI project. Please have a look to the description of the attribute Ranges. The list of character codes can be created comfortable by using the Excel sheet template (see example StringTable). The macro is just in case you want to reduce the font range to the absolute minimum. 

However, in case your application will display strings dynamically, you have to provide a larger font range. Especially in case of Chinese, Japanes or Korean language support, the resulting bitmap font will require several MByte of Flash memory.

In case your application has to provide thousands of characters and you want to use different font sizes, it might be more efficient to use a TrueType font engine within the target system instead of compressed bitmap fonts.

Maybe you can explain your use-case / your application more detailed to give you a recommendation.

Best regards,


Hi Manfred,

Thanks for your reply.

We want to determine the size of complete font file including all characters .is there a way we can get this info.



Chaitra S G

if you want to get the binary size of the entire bitmap font, you can place it into a separte unit and set the attribute Ranges to 0x20-0xFFFF and the other font attributes according your needs (e.g. font height). Then you can analyze the map file generated by the linker.

This is the only way to determine the exact binary size of the generated compressed bitmap font.

Best regards,


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