in Getting started by

Hi Embedded Wizard,

I have downloaded the free evaluation version of Embedded Wizard and the ESP32-WROVER-KIT Build Environment.

Following the description, I tried first to get the ESP32 board running according the ESP32 Getting Started documentation from Espressif.

Unfortunately it is not possible to compile anything, because the compiler toolchain give me the error that the path is not valid. I followed the manual step by step correctly.

Anyone any ideas? Thanks!

1 Answer

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One of our engineer had the same problem, the solution is quite simple.
The Ming32 compiler do not allows spaces in the IDF_PATH variable.
I guess that you have the same problem.

To solve this, you need to add a new system path variable, try these steps:

1. On the Windows desktop do a right-click on 'My Computer'.
2. Then click Properties.
3.  In the System Properties window switch to the 'Advanced' tab and click 'Environment Variables'.
4.  In the 'User Variables' window click 'New'.
5.  Add a new System Path variable, this should be the path to your ESP32 Projekt (without spaces)
6.  Rename your IDF_PATH variable.

Kind regards


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