in System Integration by
Hi Embedded Wizard Team,
First of all, Thank you for great products.
I have been exploring your site and  Quick tour and also have tried the Espressif 'Getting started' example with the EXP32 Wrover kit. I have been successfull with trying the examples and flashing my device. Thank you for the clear and nice instructions.

However I am trying to port it on a different board that also has a the ESP32 Wrover module and the  ILI9341 Display & driver. I have tried to flash the 'Hello World' example using the 'ESP-WROVER-KIT build environment and changed the pin configurations in ili9341_spi.c..

Only to find out my board doesn't have a configurable 'RESET' pin to replace the definition:
'#define PIN_NUM_RST 18'...
It has an internal pull resistor connected to the reset pin of the display instead of a configurable pin.
The board was successfully flashed but nothing showed on the display.

I have noticed that the file uses the ILI9341_ResetDisplay() function to properly initialize the display.
Can you comment or suggest regarding this matter? Sorry for the newbie questions.
I am using a board based on the ESP32-Wrover module and the ILI9341 display with Touch but the reset pin is connected w/ internal pull-up to VCC,
Thank you very much for your help,
Made it work, I was able to flash the hello world example on the custom board by editing some ESP32 configurations on make menuconfig..some spi ram settings were not in the right settings and by simply commenting on Reset lines on the driver code..
Not sure if this is the correct way to do it though :)
Onward to the touch integrations..Any recommendations are highly recommended :)

1 Answer

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Hi Marc,

great to hear that it works now.

On some display modules there is already a reset logic so it is no problem to have no GPIO connected. So you can simply comment out the call to ILI9341_ResetDisplay().

Btw: Same story is the backlight - there is no need to control that from ESP32 via GPIOs.

Best regards,


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