in Embedded Wizard Studio by
Hi Team,

We have used stroke path to get curved edged rectangle  with width as 2 px.

we are able to see the curved edged rectangle in proto type but the same is not visible on target system.

is there any settings to be done  for target platform for stroke path to be visible?



Chaitra S G

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Chaitra,

please check the console output - are there any error messages?

Additionally, please ensure that you did not set the define EW_DONT_USE_PATH_FUNCTIONS - otherwise path functions will not work.

Best regards,

Hi Manfred,

We checked he output and there is no error messages.

EW_DONT_USE_PATH_FUNCTIONS macro is not defined.



Chaitra S G
Hi Chaitra,

this sounds strange...

Please let me know the target that you are using, the Embedded Wizard version and the entire message on console during startup of the system.

Best regards,

Hi Manfred,

We are able to display filled path on the target system but not stroke paths??

but we are able to see both stroke paths and filled paths on the windows console project.

Target Board: Renesas Controller.
Hi Chaitra,

please check the output on the console - I assume that there is some error message.

Best regards,


Hi Manfred,

we are not able see any error message.

I have attached the project for your reference.




Chaitra S G



Hi Chaitra,

thanks for providing the project. Let me give you the following answers and ideas:

1.) You mentioned "we are not able see any error message" - does this mean, that there is no error reported - or does this mean, that you do not have a serial connection with your hardware so that you can not get any message from the system? If it is the second case, please try to get this working as it is very important for the software development to get error messages and debug information from the target system into a console window.

2.) I assume that your issue buffer is not large enough. How did you configure EW_MAX_ISSUE_TASKS in your project? In order to draw the rounded rectangles by using a stroke path, it should be set to 100.

3.) From what I have seen in the example, you are using the stroke path in order to draw a simple rectangle with rounded corners. Let me recommend once more to use a simple alpha-only bitmap. I know, you want to save a few bytes of resources - but please consider, that the stroke path has to allocate a bitmap in order to render the rounded rectangle.

Best regards,


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