in Embedded Wizard Studio by

i am suraj.

i view several times the screensaver is been displayed several times when the program is been executed in the board display. if i want to remove that screensaver or turn off the screensaver can i do so, if i can help me by telling how to do it..

is it because for the demo version of the embedded wizard which i am using or is it some other issue in the code.

thank you

1 Answer

0 votes

Hello Suraj,

I suppose, you refer to the watermark --> an Embedded Wizard logo which appears from time to time time. If this is the case, then this watermark appears in the Free edition and it can not be disabled. When purchasing a Pro edition we provide a library (or source code depending on the license type) without the watermark.

Does it help you?

Best regards

Paul Banach


hi paul,

thank you paul for your response

with regards


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