in GUI Development by

Hello, I have a question, I would like to use a Vertical list with different classes,

I have an array, with the type Application::AbstractDatapointItem.

The ItemClass is also associated with the AbstractDatapointItem.

This is created in the init with the following value: 

In my onLoadItemlist I put the Vertical list together with the Array list 

Here my Abstracte Class is merged with the SuperClass

My AbstracteDatapointItem is empty 

The other 2 classes are set together, once with a Switch button and once with ValueDisplay. 



My problem now is that my Vertical list is always empty, which I don't understand, because I put together the array list in the init and equated it with the Verticallist.View. 

can someone help me what I do wrong ... 

thank you very much :) 

Cheers Simon 





1 Answer

+1 vote

Hello Simon,

In your application case you create a list of items in advance and in the OnLoadItem method you try to assign the prepared items to the List's variable View. This will not work. The List component manages and creates the items by itself. The value provided in the variable View already refers to an item the OnLoadItem implementation should only initialize. Replacing the item is not possible.

The chapter Mix different types of items within the same list provides some hints how you can create a list with different item classes. Does it help you further?

Best regards

Paul Banach

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