in GUI Development by
I have create a small form with few fields.Using virtual keyboard i have give all the data .i added scroll bar but i am not able to move the fields .i need to scroll up and scroll down the form values can you please guide me to complete this.

I have added outline class but how to implement i dont know, i stucked here .please help me on this.

1 Answer

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Hello GuruRamesh,

for your application case I would recommend to use the Outline Box. It is intended to manage other members (views, widgets, etc.) and it allows you to scroll them.

I hope it helps you further.

Best regards

Paul Banach

I have added Outline box forward by added my text boxex.but it is not moved .in inspector we need to mention.ur documentation more sub divison so i cant undertsand
i have added outline box,next i have added my textboxes and change Embedded property-true

next i have add slide touch handler and mention in outline box propery also.

i am able to move text box.but scroll bar is not showing

i need vertical and horizontal scroll bar.please briefly explain to this i want to know step by step so please guide me on this.

Hello GuruRamesh,

Outline Box has no scrollbars included. If you want scrollbars to appear, add the Horizontal Scrollbar or/and Vertical Scrollbar to your component explicitly and arrange it where you want it to appear.

Then you have to implement some glue code so the scrollbar is updated when the Outline Box is scrolled or its content changes. For this purpose you add a new slot method and connect it to Outline Box property OnUpdate as described in the section Enumerate and search views controlled by the Outline Box.

Within the method you implement the code to update the scrollbar according to the actual status of the Outline Box. For example in case of the Vertical Scrollbar:

// Get the area enclosing the views within the Outline Box as well as the
// visible area of the Outline Box itself.
var rect contentArea   = Outline.GetContentArea( Core::ViewState[ Visible ]);
var rect outlineBounds = Outline.Bounds;

// Update the status of the scrollbar
VerticalScrollbar.ContentArea = contentArea.h;
VerticalScrollbar.ViewArea    = outlineBounds.h;
VerticalScrollbar.Position    = outlineBounds.y1 - contentArea.y1;

I hope it helps you further.

Best regards

Paul Banach

Hi Paul Banach,

    got it .but i want to move the vertical scrollbar not outline box scroll.you mentioned  :scrollbar is updated when the Outline Box is scrolled or its content changes.

 i want  when i scroll  the scrollbar outline box values are moved.


With Regards,


Hello Ramesh,

in such case, you implement again some 'glue' code to allow the interaction between the scrollbar and the Outline Box. Please see the section Implement scrollbar's slot methods. Accordingly to the description found there you have to:

Step 1: Add a new slot method to your component.

Step 2: Assign the slot method to scrollbars property OnScroll.

Step 3: Within the slot method implement the 'glue' code. In case of the vertical scroll direction the following code would be necessary:

Outline.ScrollOffset.y = -VerticalScrollbar.Position;

Best regards

Paul Banach

Hi Paul Banach,

  Now It is working .Thank you for your guidence.

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