in System Integration by
Hi everyone,

does anyone know why when there are more process in GUI and render reduces, we have less CPU load?

1 Answer

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can you explain your observations in more detail? What target are you using? What kind of graphics operations are you using?

The CPU load and the resulting framerate depends on the graphics operations that are used within a GUI application and if these operations are accelerated by any GPU or done by software.

Best regards,

I'm using iMXRT1170 and the project is a car dashboard. two gauges that have two rotary needles. GPU rotates them. when needles are rotating we have 60 frame rate per second and 59 percent CPU load. when they rotate and some pictures repeatedly appear and disappear frame rate reduces to 25 and the CPU load reduces also. Why should CPU load reduce?
I assume, that the rotations can be done within one frame - thus, the gauges are animated with full 60 fps. As soon as there are additional areas updated, the entire screen area cannot be redrawn within one frame. As a result, the effective fps goes down, and the amount of drawing operations per second are down. As a result, the CPU load decreases, because there are less drawing operations to be prepared and the waiting time increases.

Does this answer your question?
Yes, you are right,

and I see something else like this. when all the objects are frozen I have about 26 percent CPU load. when I remove all the objects CPU load becomes zero percent. why does a frozen object(that is a picture) have CPU load?

Are there any timers active that trigger some activities, calculations, checks?

Are there any device drivers accessed within the main loop, that checks for system states or that receives data from the underlying system?

From time to time the Garbage Collection is also running.

Let me recommend the article main loop, for more details.

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