in GUI Development by

Hello ,

I want to add a point effect like below my project and I am trying to make it with PointEffect. It would be good for me different ideas on how can ı do this transition like in the below gif?

Thank you!



1 Answer

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Hello anilzg,

native support for complex animations along paths is not provided actually. See also a similar question Move an object along with a path. As explained there you can perform the necessary calculation by yourself using Bezier curve equations. This provides the most flexible solution - especially if the paths do change at the runtime.

If the paths are fixed already at the design time, you can store the animation within an animated bitmap (similarly to the GIF from your question). Then you can play the animation at the runtime. Since the approach is using bitmaps, it will require more memory to store the bitmap data. On the other hand it allows you to change the animation by simply replacing the animated bitmap.

Best regards

Paul Banach

Hello Paul,

Thank you for your reply it helped me a lot. I made it with an animated bitmap. But for further developments, I wonder about the bezier curve equations way. It would be good for me if there is an example of this way.

Thank you so much!
Hello anilzg,

unfortunately we don't have such an example. For the moment all I can recommend you is to search and review code samples in Internet implemented e.g. in C or C++. For future versions we are considering including such functionality.

Best regards

Paul Banach
Okay, thank you!


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