in GUI Development by

Just wondering whether there's a way to access the language versions of a Constant. For example, language is set to English but I'd like the German version of a certain string constant. The reason I'd like to do this is that in my language selection screen I don't yet know the language that the user speaks so the button labels will cycle through all of the languages. The work-around would be to store all of the labels in string constants with only a Default but would be nice not to have to duplicate them (as I need them properly localised later).

thanks, ...rob

1 Answer

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Hello Robert,

a way to access the language versions of a Constant.

No, there is no possibility to access the language specific values individually. The value always corresponds to the actually selected language.

The work-around would be to store all of the labels in string constants with only a Default but would be nice not to have to duplicate them (as I need them properly localised later).

This is exact the approach I would recommend you.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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