in GUI Development by
I am trying to use the AttrText and I can't seem to get the visible string to change unless I change dialogs. Directly changing AttrText.String only works one time for the first string and does not update with the changes afterwards. I tried to use InvalidateViewState to redraw the screen, but it does not help.

1 Answer

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what you observed is unknown for us. Changing the String property of the Attributed Text view results automatically in changed appearance of the view. What is important, however, the update is cumulated. It means, the effect is not imminent but the update occurs shortly before the next screen update begins.

Can you review your implementation once more?

Have you eventually modified the code belonging to the Platform Package (Build Environment)?

Can you reproduce the issue in the Prototyper window (in the Studio)? Or do you observe the issue in the target system only?

If the error occurs in the target system, do you get any error messages on the console?

If you don't find the cause of the problem, please try to isolate the issue in a simple project and upload it here for analysis purpose.

Best regards

Paul Banach
I have figured it out. I had to append to the string. AttrText.String = AttrText.String + "Appended string." Changing the AttrText.String just by itself will not work.

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