in GUI Development by
I've added one Enum say group - A from Chora Template inside Unit. I build the project to generate the code. It was found that the enum what I've added is coming inside of Application.h file. Meanwhile I've added one more Enum say group - B for a different Enum group. After building the code, It was found that the newly added Enum group is not present in the generated Application.h file. Can you please help, how to add Eum as a group and with different Enum group inside one Unit itself. Or is there any separate way to build Enum with different group.

1 Answer

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If I understood your application case correctly, you have two enum members in your project. After generating code, only code for one of the enum members is generated. The second is missing.

During code generation, Embedded Wizard automatically eliminates all members, which are not in use in the project. I suppose, the first enum is used in one of your components while the seconds isn't. This has the effect of the second enum being considered as not needed and eliminated.

As soon as you use the enum, the corresponding code will be generated. Exception is when the member in question is intended to be used from the native code (from outside of the GUI project) only. In such case it is necessary to impose the code generation for the member. You do this by settings the attribute Generator of the affected member to the value true. See also Member attributes: Generator.

I hope it solves the issue.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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