in GUI Development by

Hi EW Team,
I have a strange issue in my EW 9.20 application. I cannot use any screen containing invocation of my device DeviceHistory::Device, because of a sudden endless recussion. Strangely, I have similar Device unit for alarms and settings with Templates::DeviceClass as the superclass but it always works, why does it breaks now?

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Hello Velas,

usually the error indicates an endless recursion direct in the inheritance of a class. For example, class A inherits from class B and class B itself inherits from A.

However, the error can also be produced when the class in question (here DeviceHistory::DeviceClass) contains any embedded objects descending from the own class. For example class A contains an object of class A. Then trying to initialize the object would result in endless recursion.

Can you please review once more your implementation?

If you are not able to find the cause, you can upload your project for analysis purpose.

Best regards

Paul Banach


Thank you paul, yes the error was produced because an object in the class refered to the same class.

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