in GUI Development by
Hi, EW team:

    When I create path from SVG, sometimes one line is too long for view. Is there a symbol used for breaking a line in Chora like "\" in C language?

    Thank you.

Best regards

1 Answer

0 votes

Hello Stephen,

you refer a peculiarity of the Code Editor to automatically break lines longer than 2048 signs. It is a known problem. To workaround it, it is necessary to keep the lines shorter than 2048 signs.

In your concrete case, you will need to break the long string literal in two or more literals and concatenate them by the + (plus) operator. Please note that each literal is correctly enclosed between a pair of double quote signs. For example:

I hope it helps you further.

Best regards

Paul Banach

Hi, Paul:

      Thank you for your answer.

Best regards.


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