in GUI Development by

Hello Paul,

we talked about the resize function back then.

Now I noticed that the program has an invisible border on 3 sides (left, right and bottom), so that you can see parts/colors of the program behind it. (I hope you can see it in the picture below)

Is this normal or what needs to be changed?

Best regards



2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
Hello Justin,

this is the border of the window itself. It belongs thus to the Windows OS. Even if you could configure the window to appear without a border you should consider that doing this you will not be able to resize the window anymore. The border is necessary by Windows to resize the window.

Best regards

Paul Banach
Hey Paul,

oh ok, thanks for your reply.

Best regards Justin
0 votes

Here is another picture with a white program in the background:

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