in System Integration by

Hi, I have a problem with GUI.

I'm using external Flash with QSPI and also using external SDRAM. (0xD0000000)

The screen I attached looks like the screen is broken.

I think it's SDRAM problem using FMC, but I don't know the cause.Could you give me a any advise?

 I attach the EW config.

My LTDC Hz is 64Mhz, FMC is 240Mhz. (STM32H7)

My SDRAM data line is 32 bits

Also, we have small business(EW version 11), but EW 11 GUI has no flickering issue..(same board, same stm32cubeMX settings)

But the porting is a little bit different. (bsp_XXX files)


1 Answer

0 votes


before starting to run the GUI application on the target specific hardware, please ensure that the SDRAM is working correctly by using our SDRAM memory test.

Please run the test - then wait for a couple of seconds or minutes and repeat only the read test.

Does this work properly or do you get some errors?

Best regards,


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