in System Integration by

Hello EW Team,

I have a text input field in emwi.

When you press the "Finish" button, the entered text is saved in Device::Device.TestMessage and passed to my external variable.

Now I have my variable in my C code, see "XString TestMessage".

The TestMessage is now processed below.

The Line, because the picture is out of focus:

sprintf(msg, "[{\"Starttime:\": \"%s\"},{\"Endtime:\": \"%s\"},{\"Duration:\": \"%s\"},{\"Successful:\": \"%s\"},{\"Message:\": \"%S\"}]}]", startdate_buffer, enddate_buffer, duration_buffer, testsucces, TestMessage);

However, the "\n" characters are not written down.

How can I solve the problem that the "\n" characters are also there?


Best regards


1 Answer

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Okay, i found my problem.


It was the %S, it must be a %s.


sprintf(msg, "[{\"Starttime:\": \"%s\"},{\"Endtime:\": \"%s\"},{\"Duration:\": \"%s\"},{\"Successful:\": \"%s\"},{\"Message:\": \"%s\"}]}]", startdate_buffer, enddate_buffer, duration_buffer, testsucces, TestMessage);

Best regards


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