in System Integration by
Hello All,

I set the modeofBitmapresources to compressed, that means all the images used by my project are compressed.

When I switch different screens,  the Ram used is always increased until i go though all the pages.  Seems I switch from one page to another, the previous compressed images are not released.

I checked the explanation for compressed as below.  Does that means all the images once decompressed will be always maintained in Ram, and never be released? More images used more additional ram needed? Thanks.

"Compressed: The bitmap pixel information is stored in compressed format. This mode requires the pixel information to be decompressed when the bitmap is used at the runtime. The decompressed bitmaps are maintained in bitmap cache occupying additional RAM. On the other hand, compressed bitmaps have less impact on the code segment size (the application requires less ROM or flash memory)."

1 Answer

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please have a look to the following sections:

You can configure the entire behavior according your needs and you control the size of the cache by using the macro EW_MAX_SURFACE_CACHE_SIZE. If you set it to 0, the bitmap resources are freed as soon as they are no more referenced.
I hope this answers your question.
Best regards,
Thanks for your reply. That's very useful for me. Thanks.

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