in GUI Development by

My target platform is a SAMA5D2 processor driving a 5" LCD, and I have created a gradient gray test image as below.

This image shows correctly on the hardware.  The debug output of running that program is shown below.

  I then flip the image by 180 degrees by altering the "ScreenOrientation" field to "Rotated_180" under Profile Configuration menus, rebuild the profile and rebuild the code including the platform code.  When I attempt to run that "flipped" application, the program returns a fault, as shown below:

I have used this rotation capability before without issue, but this time I see a fault.

Please advise what I should look into.


Thank you,




1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Rich,

in principle the rotation of the screen should work well...

The error indicates, that the Graphics Engine is still set to 0° but your GUI application requires a Graphics Engine with 180° rotation.

Due to the fact that you are using the 'Generic' Platform Package I assume that have the full source code of the Graohics Engine. Are you using source code or libraries?

Have you rebuild the entire project (make clean)?

Best regards,


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