in GUI Development by
In the following lines of code, I want to know how "specialModeCommandSent" and "isSpecialModePressed" work?


var uint8 selected = (uint8)Data::Tageszeitprogramme.specialMode;  // Transfer the value to be sent as command to F7

Data::Tageszeitprogramme.specialModeCommandSent = true; // Set this flag to ensure the command has been sent and keep blinking even when user leaves this window.

Data::Tageszeitprogramme.isSpecialModePressed = true; // Avoid execution of the mcuFastBlockObserver and remoteSpecialRequestObserver using this flag

Thanking you in advance.

1 Answer

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I assume that "specialModeCommandSent" and "isSpecialModePressed" are Properties. As soon as you assign a value to a property its onset method is called. However, the dedicated action is implemented somewhere in your project and I cannot comment further.

Please have a look to the documentation about Property for more details about the principles of properties.

Best regards,


Good Morning Manfred,

Thanks you for your help. I would go through the relevent documentation.

Best Regards,


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