in Embedded Wizard Studio by

I wonder if there is some kind of sleep/delay function. I just need part of my code to wait 200 msecs to go.

2 Answers

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there is no sleep/delay function, in order to avoid that the UI application "hangs" for the sleep time.

If you want to trigger a certain action, you should use a timer instead.

This ensures, that the entire UI application can continue (e.g. draw animations) and that it is able to react on further user inputs.
0 votes


in this case you should use timers, check: http://doc.embedded-wizard.de/using-animation-effects 

For example: Start a timer with 200ms duration, which fires a slot function when finished.
Ref: http://doc.embedded-wizard.de/timer

You can also use effects like the BoolEffect that are able to start delayed and provide an outlet, OnAnimate (do something while the timer is running) and OnFinished properties. Very comfortable.
Ref: http://doc.embedded-wizard.de/change-bool-effect

Best regards

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