Good Afternoon Paul, Manfred and fellow developers,
I need to detect USB and open a popup. I have assigned attachobserver ;
attachobserver usb_in_status, ^Data::Display.usbAvailable; // this will set the flag .usbAvailable
if(Data::Display.usbAvailable == 0)
postsignal on_cancel;
and when the flag is set to 1, the USB is detected and the Pop up opens up as desired. But when i remove the usb and put it back, it fails to detect the usb. But when i go to another window and come back to the home page, the usb is detected. Hence, I want to refresh my home screen(window). I tried with (1) reIntmethod, also (2) separate slot called by post signal in Init method.
The 2 mentioned approaches didnt work.
Thank you in advance.
Yours Sincerely,