in Platform Packages by
We already succesfully run  example GUI projects on STM32F4 and STM32F7, with evaluation version of Embedded Wizard, using System Workbench STM32 GCC. Now I would like to run some example GUI on STM32F103VCT6, on eval board "HY-miniSTM32V", with 320x240 color LCD. How should I get started, using evaluation version of Embedded Wizard?

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Please have a look to 'Getting started with STM32F407 Discovery' - which is a good starting point to work with external display controller, like the ILI9325, ILI9341, SSD2119, SSD1963, or others.

However, the STM32F103VCT6 provides only 48 kByte RAM - which is not enough. Please consider the STM32F407 as the lower end of targets where it makes sense to create UI applications with Embedded Wizard.

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