in GUI Development by
Hi, EW team:

     I'd like to design a widget that supports micro effect. The widget has 2 images which are background and icon respectively. So I have 2 options to realize it. One is to put the 2 images in a WarpGroup, and  have the WarpGroup do the transform for the both. And the other is to have 2 WarpImages for each images. My question is that which way is more efficient in performance from the view of underlying platform.

   Thank you.


Best regards.


1 Answer

0 votes
Hello Stephen,

the performance will usually depend on the amount of pixel data. Is the area of the WarpGroup smaller than the sum of the areas of the both WarpImage views, then the WarpGroup would be more efficient. However, when using WarpGroup you have to take in account the additional intermediate step where the component referred by WarpGroup renders its content in an off-screen buffer. On the other hand, if the content of the component does not change, no off-screen buffer rendering is performed. Well, without understanding your application case it is difficult to give you a concrete indication. I think, you will need to try out both approaches in order to estimate which is more efficient. Please note, the usage of WarpGroup also occupies additional RAM for the off-screen buffer.

Best regards

Paul Banach
Hi, Paul:

      Yes, I got to know that WarpGroup is base on autoobject. I have many objects to instantiate. So I think I should use warpImage.

     Thank you.

Best regards.


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