in GUI Development by
Good afternoon Developers,

How to unselect the radio button, as once it is pressed , it remains pressed. There are 3 levels of mosaic framework built. Which settings should i configure to make the radio focused but not active.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours Sincerely,


1 Answer

0 votes

Hello Ashay,

the actually selected Radio Button is deselected when the user activates other Radio Button belonging to the same group. This can be handled automatically, when all Radio Buttons belonging to the group are connected to the same data provider. If your implementation is not using this model-view-controller (MVC) programming paradigm, you will need to handle the selection programmatically.

In such case when you have several Radio Buttons and the user activates one of the buttons (the slot method associated to the button's OnSelect property is signaled), the implementation of the slot method should deselect all other Radio Buttons by settings their properties Selected to the value false. See also Determine the Selected state of the Radio Button.

Or are you possibly looking for a Toggle Button?

There are 3 levels of mosaic framework built. Which settings should i configure to make the radio focused but not active.

This part of your question is not clear for me.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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