I created a class named "Page" that has a Core::Group class as its superclass.
This class contains the basic implementation of the configuration that is displayed on the screen.
I then created a "PageA" class that has "Page" as its SuperClass.
"Page Text" is a single screen that implements the ability to display text on the screen.
At this point, we were done implementing all the features and decided to create additional pages with different "styles" based on user requests.
I created a variant of the "Page" class named "PageStyleA" and set the "VartiantCond" to"StyleA".
I then created a variant for "PageText" called "PageTextStyleA" and set the "VariantCond" to "StyleA".
At this point, I want PageTextStyleA to have the functionality of PageText with StyleA applied.
I've attached an example project. Page and PageStyleA have different background colors.
In the image below, the solid lines are inherited from SuperClass and the dotted lines are created from Variant.
How can I inherit the functionality of PageText with StyleA applied?