in Getting started by

I am trying to "make" but I'm getting the "C:\Users\swatx\Documents\STM32\STM32F469-Discovery\Examples\newOutput>make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop." error

I have successfully installed the gcc compiler and the directory tree structure is identical with the one in your tutorial.

I have managed to make and make install on my F469 board but not anymore.

I'm setting the output folder to a new folder and keep getting the mentioned error.\

The is no makefile.

I have no problem make and make install with the Hello world project on the board.

Any help is much appreciated.


1 Answer

+1 vote


Great to hear, that you managed to build and install the 'HelloWorld' project.

For your own GUI projects you can use the provided 'Template' project. The idea is the following:

Open the 'HelloWorld' project with Embedded Wizard Studio and change the attribute OutputDIrectory of the Profile to '../Template/GeneratedCode'. Then press 'F8' to generate code.

Now you will find the generated code within the 'Template' project, subdirectory 'GeneratedCode'.

After starting the build environment batch file, navigate to the template directory and make / install the project.

If this is working fine, you can now create your own GUI project and just use the template project to make / install it for your target.

Hope this helps...

Thank you very much !

It works like a charm.

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