in Embedded Wizard Studio by


I have tried to incorporate the Text Editor template into my project by following the instructions in the webpage "Creating components from templates: Text Editor".  The page says it is still under construction so I did as much as I could.  The code build fine, but when I run it on my target, I get the following debug output:

The code runs fine prior to the addition of the Text Editor component.  Can you think of anything that I may have missed?





2 Answers

0 votes
Hello Rich,

possibly the issue is not related to the editor but to other target specific aspect. Have you tried the application in the Prototyper?

Best regards

Paul Banach
Sorry - my error.  It appears that something got deleted while I was making a change and missed the warning.  It works in the prototyper, so I'll try again on target shortly.




I have the Text Editor field coming up on the target now.  Do you have any examples of further use of it?

I am trying to capture some numbers into the editor, which it is doing but I don't know where to go next.  After I enter say 5 numbers via a keypad i then want to accept that value and have it available for use by other components.


0 votes
I was able to resolve the issue.  Thank you.

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