in Platform Packages by


as usual i'm launching StartGCCBuildEnviroment to compile and flash my code on LIZARDBoard.

i didn't used it for a while, but now i get this error

i have the CUBEProgrammer installed, and set the path of it in the file FlashDownload.cfg

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Hi Riccardo,

what is the full installation path of your STM32CubeProgrammer and what is the content of your config file?

Can you download the binary manually by using the STM32CubeProgrammer?

Best regards,

I copied the platform package folder back to de C:/ drive and changed the path on the code generation( in C:/...) in EW and i worked, leaving the same path of the cube programmer.

My question is, instead of having the platform package files locally on my pc, it is possible to have them on another disk different from C:/?

Because i'm saving the board API written by me in the platform package folder for lizard to be consistent with the nesting of folder you implemented.
I don't think it is a problem because of using the Z drive. Maybe it is because all the blanks within the path. Can you try it within a simple path, e.g. Z:\Test\STM32F469-LIZARD - does it work?
Yes, it worked with a a path with no blank spaces.


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