in GUI Development by
We are using embedded wizard for embedded system software development. Initially when there were two to three device classes in one unit, the simulation worked fine. As project grow, we have increased the number of Device classes and properties in one unit. Now the simulation not working properly. Every time need to flash the software to the instrument to test the code. Could you please advise me on this issue?

Is there any way to control the life time of Device class auto objects so that they can be used only when necessary?

1 Answer

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Hello Thanushiyah,

Is there any way to control the life time of Device class auto objects so that they can be used only when necessary?

Yes, please see the chapter Lifetime of an autoobject. I hope creating references to the autoobjects (as described in the mentioned documentation) solves the issue. If not, please provide more details for "Now the simulation not working properly. Every time need to flash the software to the instrument to test the code. Could you please advise me on this issue?"

Best regards

Paul Banach

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