in Embedded Wizard Studio by
When the push button is pressed, an alert panel should appear in a similar fashion to the iPhone keyboard long press panel. How can I customize its position?

1 Answer

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Hello Mathumith_S,

... an alert panel should appear in a similar fashion to the iPhone keyboard long press panel. How can I customize its position?

without knowing your implementation it is difficult to answer this question. How do you present the panel?

- If you are using the low-level functionality Add(), then setup the property Bounds of the panel shortly before it is 'added'.

- If the panel is presented using the higher-level dialogs functionality, please note the section About positioning of Dialogs.

Best regards

Paul Banach


We are designing a calculator using Embedded Wizard. In the design, we have included a key for trigonometric operations. When the user presses or long-presses this key, a list of options for trigonometric functions should appear, allowing them to choose the desired option. We have decided to use an alert panel component to display these options. However, we want the display to be similar to the iPhone keyboard, as shown in the diagram. Can we use the alert panel for this purpose? Also, how can we adjust the position of the alert panel? When we tried it earlier, it was displayed in a different position and far from the key. We want the panel to be placed at the top of the key, as shown in the diagram.



Hello Mathumith_S,

we want the display to be similar to the iPhone keyboard, as shown in the diagram


We want the panel to be placed at the top of the key, as shown in the diagram.

which diagram do you mean?

Can we use the alert panel for this purpose? Also, how can we adjust the position of the alert panel? When we tried it earlier, it was displayed in a different position and far from the key. We want the panel to be placed at the top of the key, as shown in the diagram.

Difficult to answer this question without knowing your implementation. The alert is just a template. The interesting question: how do you display the alert? See my answer above.

Best regards


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