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would there be a way to make the components appear dynamically by writing code in a brick other than init?

1 Answer

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Hello VonMartello,

would there be a way to make the components appear dynamically by writing code in a brick other than init?

The code to create/show views or components can be executed at any time - not only in context of an Init method. For example, you can execute the code in a slot method triggered by a Push Button.

Best regards

Paul Banach

oh very cool!, can show some example? or there are in documentation?

Hello VonMartello,

can show some example? or there are in documentation?

let me recommend you our Knowledge Base. For example, the section Compose the component programmatically. Note the methods Add() and Remove() to 'add' and to 'remove' a view (or component) to or from another component. This is the lowest level approach to compose the appearance programmatically.

With Managing Dialogs a higher level is available which is ideal to fade-in/out alerts, panels, message boxes, dialogs, menus, ...

I hope it helps you further.

Best regards


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