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Pie chart separation does not have perfection, There is some discontinuous in between two records, which lead to imperfection in pie chart

How can improve this?

2 Answers

0 votes

Hello Sreeraj,

depending on the version of Embedded Wizard, two different approaches exist to display a pie chart. Which approach are you using?

1. Pie Chart component from the Charts folder (officially available in older versions only):

2. Pie Chart component template (found in version 11 or newer only):

Best regards

Paul Banach


Hi Paul Banach,

I am using 1st approach - Pie Chart component from the Charts folder, and I am using version 10.0
0 votes
Hello Sreeraj,

it seems that you are using an older version of the Pie chart implementation, which was based on the rotation of an "pie" image. This implementation has some inaccuracies at the borders - as you already noticed.

Therefore we improved the implementation beginning with version 11 and changed to vector graphics.

Let me recommend to use the latest version. alternatively, as some kind of workaround, it might help to put another pie chart (with a full colored circle) in the background so that the black color does not shine through the borders.

I hope that helps.

Best regards,


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