in Embedded Wizard Studio by
Hello Embedded Wizard,

I am using EW 13.02.

I Have a function that tries to combine a error message string. It uses an array of active message id's, finds the corresponding string and either returns an empty string, a string with one message, or a string like "1/3: mess 1   2/3: mess 2   3/2: mess 3"

In this function I use a do ... while (false) construction with a strange result (again)

string GetMessageString()

var string   sXOfYSeparator      = "/";
var string   sNrMessageSeparator = ": ";
var string   sMessageSeparator   = "   ";

array string asShownMessages[3];
var int32    iShownCount = 0;
var int32    iMessageIndex;
var int32    iShownIndex;
var string   sShownMessage;

  if (false == MessagesChanged) // class property (boolean)

  CurrentMessage = "";   // class property (string)
  MessagesChanged = false;

  // 1st: Get max < asShownMessages.size> unique messages
  for(iMessageIndex = 0; iMessageIndex < NrOfMessages; iMessageIndex++)
    var bool bFound = false;
    sShownMessage = Application::TheSettings.GetFaultText(Messages[iMessageIndex]); // convert id to string from string table
    for(iShownIndex = 0; iShownIndex < iShownCount; iShownIndex++)
      if (asShownMessages[iShownIndex] == sShownMessage)
        bFound = true;
    if (false == bFound)
      asShownMessages[iShownCount] = sShownMessage;
    if(iShownCount == asShownMessages.size)

  // 2nd: Create Message string

    case 0: CurrentMessage = "";
    case 1: CurrentMessage = asShownMessages[0];
      sShownMessage = "";
      for(iShownIndex = 0; iShownIndex < iShownCount; iShownIndex++)
        if (iShownIndex != 0) sShownMessage = sShownMessage + sMessageSeparator;
        sShownMessage = sShownMessage + string(iShownIndex + 1) + sXOfYSeparator + string(iShownCount) + sNrMessageSeparator + asShownMessages[iShownIndex];
      CurrentMessage = sShownMessage;
} while(false);

return CurrentMessage;


====================== End of code

Generated code

/* 'C' function for method : 'Application::MessageCollection.GetMessageString()' */

XString ApplicationMessageCollection_GetMessageString( ApplicationMessageCollection _this )

  XString asShownMessages[ 3 ] = {0};

  XInt32 iShownCount = 0;

  XInt32 iMessageIndex;

  XInt32 iShownIndex;

  XString sShownMessage;


  for (;;)


    if ( 0 == _this->MessagesChanged )



    ApplicationMessageCollection_OnSetCurrentMessage( _this, 0 );

    ApplicationMessageCollection_OnSetMessagesChanged( _this, 0 );

  // 1st: Get max < asShownMessages.size> unique messages
    for ( iMessageIndex = 0; iMessageIndex < _this->NrOfMessages; iMessageIndex++ )


      XBool bFound = 0;

      sShownMessage = ApplicationSettings_GetFaultText( EwGetAutoObject( &ApplicationTheSettings,

      ApplicationSettings ), _this->Messages[ EwCheckIndex( iMessageIndex, 10 )]);


      for ( iShownIndex = 0; iShownIndex < iShownCount; iShownIndex++ )

        if ( !EwCompString( asShownMessages[ EwCheckIndex( iShownIndex, 3 )], sShownMessage ))

          bFound = 1;


      if ( 0 == bFound )


        asShownMessages[ EwCheckIndex( iShownCount, 3 )] = sShownMessage;




      if ( iShownCount == 3 )



  // 2nd: Create Message string



    switch ( iShownCount )


      case 0 :

        ApplicationMessageCollection_OnSetCurrentMessage( _this, 0 );



      case 1 :

        ApplicationMessageCollection_OnSetCurrentMessage( _this, asShownMessages[

        0 ]);



      default :


        sShownMessage = 0;


        for ( iShownIndex = 0; iShownIndex < iShownCount; iShownIndex++ )


          if ( iShownIndex != 0 )

            sShownMessage = EwConcatString( sShownMessage, EwLoadString( &_Const00D9 ));


          sShownMessage = EwConcatString( EwConcatString( EwConcatString( EwConcatString(

          EwConcatString( sShownMessage, EwNewStringInt( iShownIndex + 1, 0, 10 )),

          EwLoadString( &_Const00DA )), EwNewStringInt( iShownCount, 0, 10 )), EwLoadString(

          &_Const00DB )), asShownMessages[ EwCheckIndex( iShownIndex, 3 )]);



        ApplicationMessageCollection_OnSetCurrentMessage( _this, sShownMessage );







  return _this->CurrentMessage;


1 Answer

0 votes

Hello Karijn Wessing,

thank you very much for reporting us this error case. I was able to reproduce it. It seems the issue appears when combining do-while(false) and the switch-case embedded inside it. Replacing switch-case by a cascade of if-else statements seemed to work. Can you use if-else in this case as workaround? We have to investigate the issue more in detail and will provide a fix for it in the next version.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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