in Embedded Wizard Studio by


    I 'm review the ClimateCabinet sample code, 


     I don't know how to make the above ui object.

     I can not click the object  

1 Answer

0 votes

you cannot click (to open) on the items, because these items are created dynamically. Within the composer you can only select those items that are placed statically into the composer.

The three items are created dynamically within the method Init() - please have a look to the implementation.

As soon as a menu item is pressed, the slot method 'MenuItemSelected()' starts the animation to move the desired menu item on the top position. The menu appears like a carousel: the menu items that leave the screen on the top border will be added at the bottom end.

I hope that answers your question.

Best regards,
Ok,I see.

   Thanks for your replay quickly.

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