in Embedded Wizard Studio by
Currently I migrated our project to embwiz version 13.02 from version 10

then some code optimization is happening

example :

Have below code in embedded wizard

var string name = "";

$if !$prototyper && ( $platform != *.WebGL.* ) && ( $platform != *.Win32.* )
  BYTE pName[32];
  BYTE length = sizeof(pName);
  name = EwNewStringUtf8( productName, PNameLength );
    name = "name";

return name;


Generated code is in below

XString DeviceDeviceClass_OnGetProductName( DeviceDeviceClass _this )
  /* Dummy expressions to avoid the 'C' warning 'unused argument'. */
  EW_UNUSED_ARG( _this );

    BYTE pName[32];
    BYTE length = sizeof(pName);
    name = EwNewStringUtf8( productName, PNameLength );
  return 0;

String variable name is removed from generated code,

How to solve this issue?


Thank you

1 Answer

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please ensure that all Chora variables used inside the native code are listed in the native statement. For example native( name ) { ... }.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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