in GUI Development by
Hi Team,

I need some clarification about system event.. In my application I am having a system event in the device class to be triggered from the device side to update some parameters to the GUI side. Screen A  has a push button and an associated system event handler for the declared system event within the device class.. After pressing that push button it will triggered the system event and  the associated system event handler also notified. according to the context information received from the system event I am presenting a new dialog B to display some parameters received from that same system event. But when I make use of that parameters it comes as null values i.e the class is reinitialized. Why it is happening? Can't we use the retrieved information from one screen to another? Please clarify.



1 Answer

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Hello Sazna,

... according to the context information received from the system event ...

But when I make use of that parameters it comes as null values i.e the class is reinitialized.

How dow you provide the context information? What parameter do you mean? Based on the description I can't identify what is wrong. Please provide an example reduced to this problem only.

Best regards

Paul Banach

Hi Paul,

It has been solved. Thank you.



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