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SliderTouchHandler:How to achieve a finger that does not leave the screen, but slides to an area outside the slider that should not be able to control the slider

I know that if SimpleTouchHandler implements this function, the key word is "SimpleTouchHandler.Inside", so what is the key word for SliderTouchHandler?
Use the attached  example implements this function if you can


1 Answer

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Hello ke007,

I know that if SimpleTouchHandler implements this function, the key word is "SimpleTouchHandler.Inside", so what is the key word for SliderTouchHandler?

In case of the Slide Touch Handler, the Inside variable is not existing. Having such variable would not make much sense since the Slide Touch Handler calculates from the movements of user's finger an acceleration and performs the sliding with corresponding animation.

Best regards

Paul Banach


You don't understand the key point of my question, I want to use SliderTouchHandler, how to implement "the finger does not leave the screen, moves out of the range of the slider to stop control the slider, scrolling effect disappears"
As explained in my answer above, it is not foreseen for the Slide Touch Handler as it performs the sliding using timers and animations. Finger movements are used to calculate the acceleration.

My recommendation would be to use the Simple Touch Handler and implement your desired sliding behavior with it.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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