in System Integration by
In the function description for EwProcess() the return value is described as "1, if further processing is needed, 0 otherwise."

What determines whether further processing is needed?

Thank you.

1 Answer

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in case you want to terminated the GUI application you can return 0. This quits the main loop and the de-initialization will be called.

In most GUI applications this is not necessary and the application runs for ever.

Best regards,


Hello Manfred,

The reason for the initial question is I am looking for a way to supervise the main loop and be reactive in case of an error or if the gui application stops responding. Is using the return value of  EwProcess() a valid method or is there a better way?

Thank you.
Hello Leo,

in this case it might be helpful to add a watchdog within the mainloop and check from outside the activity of the main loop.

Best regards,

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