in Embedded Wizard Studio by

We have some set of filled paths (Arcs), and text components on which fadein/fadeout effect is done using a single Int32Effect (value from 0 to 255) . Its value is assigned to components' opacity. Also changing reversed attribute true/false for fadein/fadeout.
With this often the fadein of components back (after fadeout) is not correctly working and the components are not visible even though the effect value is update from to 0 to 255.

Tried with individual Int32Effect for each component, but still facing same issue.
Please advise any solution..

Best regards


1 Answer

0 votes
Hello Nizam,

based on the provided information and without knowing your implementation it is difficult to help you.

Do you observe the problem in target system only or also during Prototyping in Embedded Wizard Studio?

If the problem occurs in target system only, please check console outputs for eventual runtime error messages.

If you are not able to narrow down the cause of the behaviour, please provide a simple example project demonstrating the issue.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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