in GUI Development by
Hallo everybody,

i wonder what is the best practice to switch between different views in the GUI. In my area where i want to show different views (Classes). So i figured out there are more than one way to do that.

1. There is the Outline Box (But there i can't set all classes invisible)
2. Enable/Visible the View

Is there a third way to do that? Or should i place all the different views in one view (class) and enable  or rather disable the views i want to display.

Best regards


2 Answers

0 votes

Hello Torben,

there are several possibilities to manage, show and hide your components.

If you just have a few UI components (sometimes called 'screens'), you can add them at design time within the Composer and just use their Visible property in order to show/hide the components.

If you want to enable the user to slide between the screens, the usage of an Outline Box is very simple and convenient.

Furthermore, you can add your UI components dynamically during runtime. These aspects are addressed in the chapter 'Compose the component programmatically'. You can also take a look at the methods Add() and Remove() implemented in the class Core::Group.

Sometimes you may need to create GUI components which capture temporarily all user inputs. These aspects are addressed in the chapter 'Modal GUI components'. If you are interesting in it, take a look at the methods BeginModal()EndModal() and GetModalGroup() of the class Core::Root.

I hope this helps...

Best regards,


thank you very much, this was/is very helpful.

I cannot select silede handler member of outline box 1.wipe touch&2.simple touch handler only can select slide touch handler.

 i would like to completly switch between 2 screen not half, I mean when i release screen should be change completly not half first screen and second screen


I assume you have two components (screens) managed by an Outline Box, which is controlled by a SlideTouchHandler. If the content does not stop at the desired position after the user has shifted the contend with a slide gesture, it is very likely that the snap position is not configured correctly - please check the properties SnapFirst, SnapLast and SnapNext.

Best regards,


0 votes

Since version 9.0 of Embedded Wizard, the Mosaic framework provides a powerful infrastructure to implement multi-screen GUI applications more convenient and to handle the transitions between them. In this concept the GUI components intended to represent the individual screens are designated as Dialogs. During the course of interaction, you can present, dismiss and switch between the dialogs. Even, creating an application with nested hierarchy of dialogs is much more simple now.

Every transition between two dialogs can be performed with an animation. The Mosaic provides for this purpose a set of typical transition objects, you can use to fade-in/out, slide or scale the dialogs while these are presented or dismissed.

For more details please see the chapter Managing dialogs (multiple screens).

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