in GUI Development by
Essentionally I have created a enum for view priorites, screens = 1, pop up screens = 0. So each time the user selects a new screen the old screen is removed and the new one is replaced with Core::Root.Add(screen, 1);, Whenever a pop up needs to be shown, its added at Core::Root.Add(popup, 0);

This should ensure that no matter what screen the user is on, whenever a pop up needs to be shown, it appears on top of the screens - however it doesnt always work, sometimes the view seems to be added behind the screen, which is obvoiusly not ideal - what am I doing wrong.

1 Answer

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using the method Add() with the last parameter being 0 (zero) causes the passed component to be put in front of all other actually existing components. Why it doesn't work as expected in your case, it is difficult to say. Maybe, there is another component added immediately after the original component? Or you add the component not to the root object but to another component?

Best regards

Paul Banach

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