in GUI Development by
I was wondering if it was possible to have the vertical list draw items the same way the horizontal list does but when it reaches the width it starts a new line. This will repeate and if the rows exceed the height the scroll effect will come into play.

I am not sure if I am using the correct Widget for this. Or if I need to write one myslef. The general idea is to have items stacked next to each other, and under each other, and allow the user to scroll up and down to see more items.

1 Answer

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Best answer

Dear Oliver,

what you are looking for is a kind of 2D list, grid or table view. We plan to extend the Mosaic framework by new list components covering exactly such application cases. Actually, you can implement such behaviour by using the already existing Vertical List. For this purpose you use the Vertical List items as container for the ebedded particular items.

Assuming, you want up to 4 items being displayed side by side, then you arrange 4 regular items side by side within a single Vertical List item. In the OnLoadItem slot method, when the Vertical List item is loaded, you load the content of the 4 embedded items.

To demonstrate this approach, I have prepared a small example. I hope it helps you further:

2D-list example

Best regards


Dear Paul,

Good to know that you have plans to expand the Mosaic framework with new widgets. The example you provided is a good aproch, I can expand that example to my own requirements. Thanks!

Best Regards,


Dear Paul,

is this 2D-list example example still available?



Dear Eugeniu,

may be I don't understand your question, but yes, it is available. You can download it by clicking on the link in the first answer above. Does the link not work?

Best regards

Paul Banach
the link doesn't work (for me at least), that's why I wrote the comment.
Thank you very much for reporting the issue. I have forwarded this question to a colleague responsible for our forum. If you are interesting in this example, you can contact us via e-mail.

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