in Platform Packages by
Hi there,

its easy to run EW application on Raspberry Pi with Debian Linux but i don't always have my RPi with me when traveling. Would be great if i could run the EW application in a regular Linux Virtual Machine. Running 'make' would be so much faster also. Would this be possible?


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in order to create some running applications while traveling you can use the Javascript/WebGL Platform Package - then the GUI is running within your Web Browser - independent from the underlying OS.

Is this a solution?

Best regards,


Not really because then i can also just use the neat simulator that already comes with the EmbeddedWizard. If i could get it to run on a regular Debian VM i could continue to work on my DeviceIntegration because all the underlying hardware (uart) is there. Plus, it would be amazing if we could get it to work also because it would enable me to make software for such a wide variety of hardware, basically anything linux now.

What would be needed to make it work on regular linux / linux in a VM? Seems the problem is graphic related.
In principle, this can be done with our Generic Platform Packages that contains source codes for the Runtime Environment and the Graphics Engine. In this case, every customer can adapt it to every hardware / every operating system that fulfills the minimum requirements.

But the Generic Platform Packages are not available for evaluation (due to the source codes). In case of Raspberry Pi, these parts are provided as libraries.

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